Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sienna interview in UK Elle

In the june issue of Elle UK sienna down to clear the air on a variety of topics, from her relationship with Rhys to taking over for Lindsay Lohan at the last minute in The Edge of Love, and her new friendship with Keira Knightley. Here’s some interview snippets as well as some awesome pics!! She looks great!!!

On being with Rhys: "I don’t know why people find it so unlikely. We started out as friends and then it just slowly, slowly developed. I don’t think either of us was expecting it, but it truly has been the most wonderful thing. I totally love Rhys but most of all, he’s my best friend. He’s my greatest friend."
On her insecurities: "Oh, God, people always get the wrong impression of me. I’m so not perfect. My top half is looking pretty good at the moment because, for the first time in my life, I’m exercising, but you should see my bum. It wobbles when I walk. Seriously. I have a lardy arse. I have days when I wake up, look in the mirror and go 'yuk'. And I totally have bad hair days – why do you think I own so many hats?"

On taking over for Lindsay: "I freaked out. I had absolutely no time to do all the research I wanted, so a lot of the acting was instinctive. I loved the idea of Caitlin and I loved the idea of working with Keira. I was actually pretty nervous about acting alongside her because my part required me to put on weight. I just stuffed my face for the months that we were in production. It wasn’t hard for me. We were staying in this incredibly eccentric Welsh manor house. I had huge fry-up breakfasts, pasties for lunch and lots of toasties. ‘Then I had to face seeing myself alongside Keira, who is the most beautiful woman in the world. Luckily she is also one of the nicest. We totally bonded on the movie and it was so amazing to find a girl friend in this business. We are actually quite similar."

On Rhys as a boyfriend: "Rhys is incredibly romantic. Way more than I am – and I am pretty romantic. Rhys just takes everything to the next level and does so many unexpected things. He bought me a broomstick as a present because he thinks I’m a white witch, but probably more because it was Halloween. It’s typical Rhys. His greatest quality is that he makes me laugh. Not just a little laugh – he can completely floor me laughing. And he’s the best cook ever. His cooking completely reflects his personality; he does these mad, quirky dishes that taste completely wonderful, like carrots poached in mandarin juice. Our lives revolve around food."

On marrying Rhys: "See. No ring. It’s so embarrassing when these stories come out and that your relationship has been somehow fast-forwarded. We both had our mums on the phone. It’s just awkward. But I’m so happy with our relationship as it is. It has always been incredibly easy and uncomplicated and those stories make for complications that just don’t exist."

On having babies: "I was incredibly broody a while ago, but it just passed. My sister, Savannah, is pregnant again and I’m incredibly excited about that, but I’m 26. I don’t want a baby just yet. Definitely some time in the future, but not right now."

On her secret to success: "The big, big thing I’ve discovered, the big secret, is that it’s all about how happy you are. It’s the ultimate thing. People forget your flaws and imperfections if they see you’re happy. And I’m incredibly happy right now. Probably happier than I’ve ever been. It’s happiness that makes you glow,’ she laughs. ‘Oh, and maybe just a little touch of fake tan!"
for more of the interview visit

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